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Keto Almond Joy

Keto Almond Joy    

Serves 12

Who doesn't love an Almond Joy candy but doesn’t love the sugar rush and inevitable crash? These Keto Almond Joy candies will satisfy your sweet craving and provide you with healthy fats that your body loves to burn! 


Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 0 minutes + 20 minutes to chill in the fridge 




¼ cup Keto granulated sugar

1 cup dried & unsweetened shredded coconut

2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted 

2 ½ tablespoons full-fat coconut milk

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon pure almond extract (optional, for strong almond flavor) 

Pinch of sea salt

24 whole almonds

Chocolate Coating:

3 ½ ounces of sugar-free dark chocolate

1 packet of Real Ketones Chocolate Weight Loss powder 


Mix all filling ingredients except the almonds together in a bowl until well-combined. Place in the fridge to firm up for about 10 minutes.

Remove from the fridge and form into 12 bars, and place them on a sheet of parchment or wax paper, with a few inches in-between each bar. Press 2 almonds into each bar, so that they are evenly arranged on the top of each bar.

Melt the chocolate and stir in the Real Ketones Chocolate Weight Loss powder. Drizzle over the bars. Place in the fridge until the chocolate hardens, about 10 minutes. Remove from the fridge and coat the bottom side of each bar and place back in the fridge to harden for another 10 minutes. 

Remove from the fridge and serve between 12, storing any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. 



Calories: 78

Carbs: 6

Net Carbs: 6

Protein: 1

Fat: 7