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A Healthy Summer to Fall Transition

Support the Summer to Fall Transition in Your Health

As temperatures start to cool and we enter the fall season, this can mean changes to your most recent health routine. Here are some ways to take advantage of this season transition and some considerations to support your health goals.


For many of us, early fall is the perfect time to start enjoying more outdoor activities. The temperatures have dropped, making outdoor runs, walks, and bike rides much more enjoyable than during the hot, summer months. However, if fall brings rain and colder temperatures for you, this can also be a great opportunity to focus on building your strength. These strength-based workouts can be done in your living room even with just your own body weight.


During the summertime you likely experienced greater thirst and found yourself drinking and eating more foods containing high water content. Even though your thirst may decrease as temperatures do, it’s important to still stay on top of your hydration needs. Thirst is not always the best mechanism to determine hydration needs. Aim for a minimum of half your body weight in ounces per day (ex: 150 lbs. = 75 ounces/day) as a baseline before exercise. For every hour of exercise, add an additional 16 ounces of water on top of that baseline.


As each season changes, so does produce availability. Buying produce in season not only helps save money but also ensures you are receiving the best nutrition and least amount of pesticides. There are some great low carb produce options that come in season during the fall like: pumpkin, winter squash, broccoli, brussels sprouts and rutabaga. Head on over to your local farmer’s market to give some of these a try and check out our blog for recipe ideas!
For those that live in the northern hemisphere or spend much of the day indoors, now is a good time to ensure you are obtaining enough Vitamin D through your diet, skin, and supplementation. Our Keto Support Multivitamins are a great option to include as daily support of Vitamin D.